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Amnesia Haze: effetti e caratteristiche

Amnesia Haze: effects and special features

Today I want to introduce you to Amnesia Haze, one of the world’s best-known and best-loved weed varieties.

Amnesia Haze remains a real first with its generally spicy hint and strong flavor.

Thanks to its unique characteristics in 2004 and 2012, it won first place in two prestigious world contests: 1st place in the 2004 Cannabis Cup and 1st place in the 2012 Sativa Cup.  

Find out why

Characteristics of Amnesia Haze 

The Amnesia Haze marijuana plant is genetically structured to have a solid shrub and consistent productivity.

Sativa for a good 70%, Afghani Indica for the remaining 30%. Amnesia Haze never disappoints, giving olfactory experiences with floral aromas and intense, sometimes fruity flavors.

The rate of CBD within it may vary, but that of THC always remains within the legal limits in force in Italy and Europe, never exceeding 0.5%.  

Its genetic origins come from a particular cross formed from native plant varieties from Asia and Jamaica.

If you wish to learn more, read the next paragraph.  

What is meant by native plant varieties?

Going back to the basic

Several scholars believe that Cannabis originated in Asia in very ancient times and developed worldwide only later.


The worldwide spread soon led to the emergence of plants different from the original ones that developed unique characteristics useful for survival in new environments.

These plants born far from their country of origin took the name Autochthonous.


What made them so special was their genetics, which was never crossed with other varieties, thus favoring the use of these “pure” plants for hybridization processes.

By crossing Native varieties with other marijuana plants, growers can increase their gene pool, creating new types and infusing properties.

For example, the native plant known as Ruderalis, when crossed with other species, passed on its auto-flowering property, creating modern marijuana strains that can grow more quickly.

Also, Amnesia Haze is the Autoflowering strain, which makes it much easier to grow than the photoperiodic strain.

In the next chapter, let’s analyze the main differences between Autoflowering and Photoperiodic, Indica, and Sativa.

Main differences between Autoflowering and Photoperiodic varieties

In the world of cannabis cultivation, native plants have developed remarkable genetic differences in quality and quantity.

For example, a genuinely extraordinary division can be found by analyzing the genetics that differentiates Autoflowering and Photoperiodic plants.

Depending on their specific characteristics, their flowering time and growing difficulty change significantly.

Autoflowering plants, in about 8-12 weeks, go from seed to harvest following the solar cycle and feed through a soil mix that should be kept simply moist and well aerated.

This is the explanation because they are easier to grow and more resilient.

Yields, however, are lower than the photoperiodic variant. Generally, the maximum yield of these plants is about 400g/m² indoors.

The size between 60-100 cm in height, although distinctly small, allows growers to grow many more plants within a single space.

In contrast, Photoperiodic plants take longer to grow because they require a change in light that cannot follow the natural solar cycle.

Shrubs are generally taller and stouter (if grown outdoors, they can reach a maximum height of 3m), so they require more maintenance throughout the pruning period.

Photoperiod plants not only have a higher yield and cannabinoid quality but can also produce many buds in some cases.

Although this is a feature in their favor, you will need to control humidity levels so as to keep them stable and avoid mold growth during the flowering and drying phase.

For this reason, Photoperiodic variants, while challenging, are generally preferred by experienced growers or those who wish to have a more authentic cannabis growing experience.

Indica and Sativa, what is the real meaning of these two terms?

In common belief, Indica and Sativa are terms used to describe a given herb’s psychoactive effects.

Sativa weed refers to a kind of marijuana that generally has energizing effects. In contrast, the term Indica is intended to mean the complete opposite: a weed that gives the user a feeling of relaxation and tranquility.

It is good to know that the origin of these two terms is actually related to the plant’s physical structure and not its effects.

No type of marijuana is in itself only energizing or tranquilizing; its effects change depending on the mental and physical condition of the user during use.  

In 1785, French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck named all marijuana plants similar to Indian marijuana plants, born in favorable environments with short, thick shrubs, under the term Indica.

In contrast, Sativa denoted tall, slender, and fibrous plants born in warm and sunny environments.


Even today, however, the belief that the terms Indica and Sativa refer exclusively to the effects of grass is still quite entrenched in common thinking.  

Amnesia Haze CBD what are the benefits

The legal version of Amnesia Haze has profoundly relaxing effects, thanks to the wide variety of cannabinoids within it (over 60).

The active ingredients in this herb are helpful not only for those suffering from anxiety, stress, or depression but also for those experiencing physical pain and chronic ailments such as back pain and migraines.


In addition, several types of research performed in the field of CBD cannabis have shown that this herb, due to its analgesic properties, is beneficial for those suffering from diseases such as epilepsy, sclerosis, and cancer.

How to Grow Amnesia Haze CBD Indoor (H2)

Growing Amnesia Haze is not a picnic; although, being a strain that can increase both Indoor and Outdoor, we recommend the former method to make the task easier.


Unlike Outdoor growing, which exposes the plant to many risks, Indoor growing will allow you to control all the climatic conditions: from temperature to humidity, to the amount of light, to the amount of air inside your room.   

10 essential steps to growing Amnesia Haze at its best


Maintain a proper temperature between 21 and 29 degrees for adequate photosynthesis.

Use fans for air recirculation.

Remove standing water if necessary.

Purchase an efficient dehumidifier.

Use premixed soil already containing all the necessary nutrients.

Water the soil regularly, keeping it moist at all times.

Plant your seeds.

Use silica as a plant nutrient; it will promote the exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Use foliar feeding, and spray fertilizer directly on the leaves to strengthen the plant’s immune system.

Wait 10-12 weeks for flowering.  


Our Amnesia Haze CBD Herb


For all true light cannabis lovers, here is our Amnesia Haze CBD with a strong nutty and herbal scent.

You can find it in our Store by clicking here

Light green in color, the flowers have a good amount of resin, making their flavor sharp and spicy with a classic citrusy aftertaste.


Its high percentage of CBD makes it perfect for those who want to experience moments of pure relaxation and lightheartedness.

To enjoy a moment of peace with Amnesia Haze CBD,

Click here and discover the entire HempEmbassy Store.

Why is our Amnesia Haze CBD unique?


Our Amnesia Haze CBD is unique because it has multiple beneficial properties, enhanced by an innovative cultivation method that achieves astounding results in cannabis cultivation.


We are talking about the Greenhouse cultivation method.

You can find out about it in the next paragraph.


Greenhouse cultivation here’s why it’s the best

The greenhouse cultivation technique is the perfect synthesis of outdoor and indoor cultivation.

The outdoor method is the oldest and most economical. Still, its use makes it more complicated to keep track of external factors that could harm the plant, such as weather conditions, bacteria, and possible predators.

On the other hand, the plant can be controlled indoors, but the economic investment will always be significantly higher.

On the other hand, Greenhouse growing allows you to enjoy the best features of both techniques.

The greenhouse is a structure covered by a transparent canopy that protects the plants, air, light, and heat from the sun.

The greenhouse is a safe and simple method that ensures the growth of vigorous, lush, healthy marijuana plants due to their distance from interpreters and pests.


Don’t miss our Amnesia Haze CBD variant grown in the Greenhouse method.

It is truly unique!

Try it clicking on our Store.

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