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Marijuana: Types, Effects, and the Difference Between Marijuana and CBD

Marijuana, a popular plant known for its psychoactive properties, has been widely debated and discussed in recent years. As perceptions surrounding its use continue to evolve, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the different types of marijuana, their effects, and how they differ from CBD (cannabidiol). In this article, we will explore these topics and provide reliable information from trusted medical sources.

Types of Marijuana


Indica strains are known for their calming effects on the body. They often induce a sense of relaxation, making them suitable for evening or nighttime use. Indica strains are commonly associated with easing pain, reducing muscle spasms, and promoting sleep. They can also stimulate appetite and have sedative properties.


Sativa strains are typically uplifting and energizing. They are known for their cerebral effects, promoting creativity, focus, and a euphoric state. Sativa strains are often used during the day as they may provide a boost in energy and enhance productivity. Some users also find sativa strains helpful in managing mood disorders and fatigue.


Hybrid strains are a combination of indica and sativa genetics. They can offer a balance between the effects of both types, allowing users to experience a mix of relaxation and mental stimulation. Hybrid strains are highly variable, with different hybrids leaning towards indica or sativa dominance, depending on their genetic composition. Their effects can vary widely depending on the specific hybrid strain.

Marijuana Effects

The effects of marijuana can vary depending on various factors such as the strain, method of consumption, dosage, and individual tolerance. Common effects may include:

  • Euphoria and Relaxation: Many marijuana strains can induce feelings of euphoria and relaxation. This can be accompanied by a sense of well-being and a temporary escape from stress and anxiety.
  • Heightened Sensory Perception: Marijuana has the potential to enhance sensory experiences, making food taste better, colors appear more vibrant, and music sound more enjoyable.
  • Altered Perception of Time and Space: Marijuana can alter one’s perception of time, making minutes feel like hours or hours feel like minutes. It may also affect spatial awareness, leading to a distorted sense of distance or size.
  • Increased Appetite: The phenomenon known as “the munchies” is commonly associated with marijuana use. It can stimulate appetite and intensify the enjoyment of food.
  • Dry Mouth and Red Eyes: One common side effect of marijuana use is dry mouth, also referred to as “cottonmouth.” It can be alleviated by staying hydrated. Additionally, marijuana can cause blood vessels in the eyes to expand, resulting in redness.

Marijuana vs. CBD

While marijuana and CBD are derived from the same plant, they differ in their composition and effects.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

THC is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana responsible for its intoxicating effects. It binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, producing the characteristic “high.” Marijuana strains high in THC content can induce both physical and psychological effects.

CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD is another compound found in cannabis, but it does not produce psychoactive effects. It is often derived from hemp plants and has gained popularity due to its potential therapeutic benefits. CBD is commonly used for pain relief, reducing anxiety and depression, alleviating symptoms of epilepsy, and promoting overall well-being.

To Summarize

Understanding the various types of marijuana and their effects is essential for making informed decisions regarding consumption. It’s crucial to note that marijuana affects individuals differently, and its effects can be influenced by factors such as dosage, tolerance, and personal circumstances. Furthermore, CBD offers a non-intoxicating alternative with potential therapeutic benefits. By staying well-informed and seeking reliable sources, individuals can navigate the world of marijuana and CBD responsibly.


  1. Mayo Clinic – Marijuana: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/marijuana/art-20137855
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): www.drugabuse.gov 
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