How to Fight Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia with Cannabis Light CBD

It’s no longer news that many people today are affected by stress or anxiety due to the fast-paced society that modern life has accustomed us to. This often leads to insomnia, in addition to stress, which can make everyday life much more difficult. Fortunately, there are stress solutions that do not involve the use of drugs. Cannabis light is a solution with mild anesthetic effects, which means it can help provide relief from pain, help you sleep better and even reduce stress. Needless to say, it is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of treatment: thanks to its effectiveness and the incredibly fun world it transports us to. Many people choose to use natural remedies like Cannabis light instead of prescription drugs, which are often too expensive and have many side effects.

Cannabis Light: What are its Effects and Properties?

Cannabis light” is a commonly used term to describe the variety of marijuana with less than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. The use of marijuana has always been a taboo subject for many, but recent research tells us that it may be useful to use it for medicinal purposes. This variety of marijuana is mainly used for recreational and anti-stress purposes, thanks to the pleasant relaxing effect it gives to those who consume it. Cannabis Light is different from traditional Cannabis as it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is free of psychoactive effects that can cause problems with concentration and memory. In fact, side effects are minimal, sleep disorders and levels of anxiety are reduced. Many people report having a more peaceful and restful sleep. It’s important to note that cannabis light can have a different effect on each individual depending on their mental state, the medications they use, and their previous experiences. It’s always a good suggestion to proceed with caution if you are unfamiliar with the product.

CBD Hemp against Stress and Insomnia: The Study

A team of researchers wanted to demonstrate the ability of cannabis to alleviate the so-called “disorders” related to symptoms of anxiety, stress, panic, and depression. Unfortunately, these states of mind are becoming more and more common and widespread in our society.

The scientists attempted to demonstrate how different concentrations of CBD and THC influence these states of mind, restoring a sense of well-being to the body.

The study was conducted on a sample of approximately 1,400 people. The selected sample used cannabis and then responded to a series of questions that allowed them to quantify, on a scale of 1 to 10, their states of mind.

This is referred to as a “naturalistic examination.” This methodology allowed the researchers to observe the participants’ responses in real-life settings, rather than in sterile laboratory or clinic environments.

The responses compared were more than 12,000 and from these, a certainty emerged. Compared to previous studies in which only THC was used, this more recent study has shown how the use of cannabis with a high CBD content and low THC content significantly reduced anxiety, depression and stress conditions.

After using cannabis, patients reported a 50% reduction in depression and a 58% reduction in anxiety and stress.

Legal cannabis for treating anxiety and depression is the one approved by European regulations because it has high concentrations of CBD and a reduced component of THC, the active principle responsible for the psychoactive effect.


CBD Weed against depression

Studies on using cannabis to treat depression are still in their infancy. However, it appears that CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system and, in particular, on mood functions.

Through the same mechanism seen in relation to anxiety, CBD also deals with rebalancing those cycles that have experienced an imbalance within the organism regarding mood.

The receptors of cannabinoids are called endocannabinoids, that is, lipid mediators that make up the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids regulate many human processes, such as cognition, emotions, and motor activity. They have a chemical composition similar to that of cannabis. This is why they are activated by the CBD and THC contained within the plant.

Scientists have noticed that chronic stress reduces the production of endocannabinoids by the brain, which results in a state of depression. The use of compounds derived from cannabis has managed to fill this gap by reducing depression and stabilizing the subject’s state of mind.


How is CBD cannabis taken?

Translation: By consuming light cannabis, you are using buds that do not have psychoactive properties, which means they do not cause the so-called “high”. Although legal cannabis does not produce the same type of effect as other cannabis-based products, it has many benefits. For example, light cannabis also acts as an anti-inflammatory, useful for people with arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. In addition, light cannabis does not produce undesirable side effects such as nausea or headaches.

There are mainly two ways to consume it: smoking it or drinking an infusion. For now, let’s focus on these two: for all alternative methods, we will write an article about it. We remind you that everything you will find written in this article is not a recommendation or an encouragement to consume our technical products.


CBD Weed Tea

Winter is coming, right? Nothing is more relaxing than a warm cup of tea, maybe to be paired with a good night joint. At Hemp Embassy, we offer legal cannabis teas in three different flavors: apple and lemon, blueberry and cherry, and mint.




Relaxing, Pain Relieving, Purifying and Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6: the Hemp Embassy Hemp Tea.

With one package, you can make up to 30 teas!

CBD Flowers and Hash Light

The most common choice is to consume cannabis light buds or products rolled into a cigarette. No explanation is needed: choose the genetics that you like the most and start your journey! At Hemp Embassy, you can find the best selection of products for the Italian and European market. Our products have a high CBD percentage, are 100% natural, and have no added additives.

And if you want some advice on the matter, our customer service is always available to help you.



I want more. Is there something stronger?

Sure! If you’re looking for something with an exceptional taste and impressive relaxing properties, we recommend our new extracts. They have high levels of terpenes and cannabinoids: the top of the market. The smoke is dense and flavorful. Shatter – pure 99% CBD resin

Try them’ all!



Shatter 99% CBD

CBD Oils


Many customers who suffer from chronic disorders use CBD oil, produced through cold pressing of hemp seeds. This distillate has a faster and more effective action, also due to the sublingual intake method that many recommend. A few drops are able to produce a pleasant feeling of relaxation and well-being, reducing states of anxiety and agitation. They are also very versatile and suitable for consumption in many variations: it is also possible to find CBD oil in the taste of olive oil, to match it with your favorite foods.


In short, if you are feeling stressed or often struggle with anxiety and depression, you can write to us at any time at our email [email protected] or the customer service Whatsapp accessible from the shop: we will be happy to listen to you and help you resolve your issues!

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Cannabis Light CBD Products

CBD and Weight Loss: Separating Fact from Fiction

Among the numerous claims associated with CBD, one that has piqued curiosity is its purported slimming effects. People are eager to discover whether CBD can aid in weight loss and if it can be incorporated into their wellness routines. In this article, we will explore the relationship between CBD and body weight, delving into the scientific evidence and uncovering the truth behind the hype.

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